Categories for Language Services

Woman making word translation with wooden cubes

How Well Do You Need to Know a Language to Be a Translator?

January 11, 2023

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the demand for translators is rising. But how well do you need to know a language to be a translator? In this blog post, Etcetera Language Group, Inc. explores what level of language skills you need to be a translator, how to improve your language skills, and the requirements to be a translator. So if you’re interested in becoming a translator, read on! What Language Skills Do You Need to Be a Translator? There are different types of translation, each with its own level of difficulty and required skill set. The most common type... View Article

translation services

The 7 Advantages of Translation Services

January 9, 2023

If you’re not offering translation services to your customers, you’re missing out on a big opportunity. A universal translation service from Etcetera Language Group, Inc. can help you expand your global reach, increase sales, build your brand, comply with local regulations and improve customer satisfaction. They can also save you time and money by helping you avoid costly mistakes. Translation Services Can Expand Your Global Reach If you want to connect with new customers in a different country, you’ll need to communicate with them in their language. This is where translation services come in. Universal translation services can help you reach new... View Article

Haitian Creole to English

Haitian Creole to English Translation

June 24, 2022

Haitian Creole is one of the two primary languages spoken in the Caribbean Islands, the other being French. Haitian Creole is the language of Haiti, which borders the Dominican Republic and has a population of 11.4 million. The Haitian Creole language is a combination of West African languages and French and has been influenced by English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Despite the features it has in common with these languages, it is not mutually intelligible like English and Spanish sometimes are. Over the last decade, tens of thousands of Haitians have made their way to the United States and applied for... View Article

document translation cost

How Much Does Document Translation Cost?

February 11, 2022

When most people need translation services, they first turn to tools like Google translate. While this and similar tools can be useful, they cannot provide fully accurate, contextual translations for business purposes. Computer intelligence cannot deliver grammatical fluency, colloquial relevance, or legal terminology. Only a human language translation expert can do that.  Of course, the main appeal of services like Google translate is that it’s free to use. Any good businessperson will tell you that you get what you pay for, and if you’re paying nothing, that’s what you’re getting. So many people ask, what is the cost of real... View Article


How to Get a Notarized Translation in French Online?

January 13, 2022

While English is inarguably the language of international finance and culture, and Mandarin Chinese is catching up, French was once the international language of choice. It is still a massively important language on the world stage. Even so, if you need a notarized translation in French online, the way to get it may not seem terribly straightforward. After all, notarized documents are hard-copy by definition – in most cases, a notary has to stamp a physical document for it to be recognized as notarized.  Some of the terminology can be confusing when you’re searching for translation services. This is especially... View Article

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