How Much Does Document Translation Cost?
When most people need translation services, they first turn to tools like Google translate.
While this and similar tools can be useful, they cannot provide fully accurate, contextual translations for business purposes.
Computer intelligence cannot deliver grammatical fluency, colloquial relevance, or legal terminology. Only a human language translation expert can do that.
Of course, the main appeal of services like Google translate is that it’s free to use.
Any good businessperson will tell you that you get what you pay for, and if you’re paying nothing, that’s what you’re getting.
So many people ask, what is the cost of real expert-generated translation services?
To answer that question fully, we’ll need to establish some context.
When Do I Need Document Translation Services?
Year after year, countless legal cases are put on hold or are dismissed when a judge encounters erroneous legal documents.
The situation can be exacerbated when there is a shortage of interpreters or document translators.
The situation can be equally serious when it comes to business related translation needs.
If you have partners or clients abroad, translation services can be key to your success.
Persons, professionals, and instances that frequently require document translation services include but are not limited to:
Legal service providers
Cases involving parties on opposite sides of a national border and cases involving language barriers often call for the services of a document translation expert.
Medical and healthcare service providers
When healthcare professionals must understand the needs of a foreign language speaker, which could be a patient or the family of a patient, direct translation and document translation are necessary.
Financial services
Transactions involving non-native persons, purchases across borders, especially involving real estate, require document translation.
The manufacturing industry
Fabrication centers providing products for customers and clients abroad need accurate, reliable, timely, and regular translation services.
Ecommerce businesses
When your customers could be anywhere on the planet, you need to be able to communicate with them, and only a true multilingual translation service provider can fill that role.
Entertainment and gaming
Just like in ecommerce, television, movies, and video games have to be translated to international audiences- even if it’s just to sell tickets.
The travel and tourism industry
Naturally, travel and tourism is a translation-intensive business.
Scientific research
One of the most demanding translation cases, scientific research across language barriers requires special expertise and high levels of accuracy.
Persons seeking passage or citizenship in another country
Travel documents must often come in two forms, one representing the language of the person’s country of origin, and one representing the language of the area to which he or she intends to travel.
Types of Translation Services
The above-mentioned industries and use cases are not types of translation services in and of themselves. They are, more or less, reasons a person, persons, or organization would need translation services.
Etcetera provides document translation and desktop publishing services across a wide variety of industries.
Our team works with dozens of languages and has earned a reputation for highly accurate international translation, professional presentation, and top-quality customer service.
These services come in the form of;
- Translation services
- Desktop publishing
- Proofreading and editing
Our full scope of translation types include;
- Contracts
- Medical, health care & pharmaceutical
- Legal
- Advertising & marketing
- Engineering translation
- Finance & banking
- IT & computer science
- Telecommunications
- Website translations
- Manufacturing translations
- Education
- Engineering
- Personal documents
- Insurance translation
- Corporate translation
COVID-19-Related Documentation Translation
Our team can provide complete translation services for all widely spoken languages for and during circumstances related to COVID-19.
We understand the need for accurate translation services and are committed to providing exceptional service.
We are now actively translating COVID-related documents for clients across numerous languages.
What is the Cost of Document Translation?
There are several ways to calculate the cost of translation services.
They are the cost per word, , and minimum-fee rates.
Per Word
Per-word rates are one of the easiest to standardize ways to find the price of translation and one of the fairest ways to find the correct price.
This is a common way to find a price point for language translation agencies like Etcetera.
Minimum Rates
Often for freelance language translation experts, a minimum fee is needed for documents with very few words.
Contact Us for More Information
We endeavor to provide comprehensive, accurate translation between dozens of international languages and have been a family-owned company for over 26 years.
We use state-of-the-art technology for translation and desktop publishing to suit all your translation needs.
To learn more about what we do, and what Etcetera can do for you, get in touch today.
Our team is eager to answer your questions.
Categorised in: Blog, Language Services