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The Slovenian language is spoken and used in written materials by just under 3 million individuals around the world, most of whom actually live in Slovenia, although there is a smattering of Slovene-speaking citizens in many different countries. Since Slovenia is a member of the European Union, the Slovene language is one of 24 official dialects included in the European Union listing of working languages. While it’s not a particularly common language, it is one that our transition specialists are familiar with, and which we can provide accurate translations for whenever you need them.

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Discover why more businesses are turning to Etcetera Language Group for translation services – excellence isn’t something we strive for, it’s something we provide.
Translation Services
For over two decades, we have been providing clients all around the world with document translation services that are accurate, efficient, and highly professional. Our expertise extends into a great many areas, including pharmaceutical industries, medical technology, legal and financial areas, advertising, education, and modern technology. We go out of our way to provide expert translation services as well as terrific customer service, which all our clients really appreciate. We can translate any major language into English and vice versa, so whatever it is that you need translated, we will probably have the requisite expertise to get the job done for you, in the shortest period of time.
Desktop Publishing
Whenever you’re preparing a manual, brochure, or poster, it’s very likely that you’ll require multilingual content which can appeal to a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds and individuals. Our state-of-the-art technology can be used to prepare whatever it is you need in the most attractive and professional presentation. By combining visual elements with the appropriate text, we can save you money if you were to have to engage the services of other desktop publishers.
Anytime you’re preparing printed materials for a wide audience, you have to take into account the languages which will be used to distribute your message, so you can effectively reach everyone intended. We can go to work on your behalf to translate any content you have into the appropriate languages, so you can reach your complete target audience with a single printed poster or brochure.
Translation Proofreading and Editing
When working with languages, it happens fairly often that there is no direct translation for a particular phrase or word, and if incorrectly translated, that can make for an awkward-sounding sentence, or in a worst-case scenario, a sentence that makes no sense. We have had years of experience translating all kinds of languages into English and vice versa, so we’re familiar with many of the most common gaps between languages, and how to accurately express them.
Our editing and proofreading process will catch all of these situations, and ensure that the appropriate translation is made, so the translated text makes sense, and conveys the original intent to the reader. Given the fact that the global community is now more accessible than ever, clear communications have become paramount in contacting and communicating with people in different societies.
The experienced translators on our staff help to ensure that your communications can be made accurately and clearly, and that there are no mistakes in translation. When you can count on this kind of reliability of expression, it will be much easier for you to maintain solid communications with all your global contacts, and with whatever languages they might be using.
Professional Translation in Slovene
Whenever you have any documents which need to be translated into English, or if you need an English document translated into a foreign language, the United States translation company you should contact first is Etcetera Language Group, Inc. We provide translation services, desktop publishing services, and expert proofreading and editing services to a widely diverse clientele around the globe.
We have a great many multilingual experts on our staff which provide these services, and their level of experience has enabled them to ensure that all translations and other work is carried out expertly and without error. With the growth of international commerce, it has become increasingly necessary to manage global communications between companies which speak different languages.
Given the fact that global communications has now become a critical aspect of conducting business, it’s very necessary for all companies to be able to rely on accurate translations of any written documents, as well as any spoken recordings. Any company which overlooks the significance of accurate communications with other global entities, is very likely to lose out when competing with better-prepared rivals.
In many cases, having the ability to communicate with global companies has made the difference between securing business contracts and being left out. If you want your business to be at the forefront in your particular industry, you need to be sensitive to the differences in global cultures and languages. Contact us at Etcetera Language Group, Inc., so we can go to work on your behalf and ensure that communications with your global partners remain accurate and reliable.
Coronavirus-Related Documentation Translation
We are open and available to provide full translation services for all widely spoken languages during recent circumstances caused by COVID-19 (aka coronavirus). We understand the need for accurate translation services during these hard times and remain committed to providing you with exceptional service. We are actively translating corona-related documents for clients across numerous languages. Please click here to see a list of all languages we are assisting in COVID-19 document translations.