There is no question that medical translation plays a critical role in the development of medicine. However, where things often go sideways for consumers tends to be when medical translation is needed for everyday medical provisioning in the form of instructions, prescriptions, and advisements. And the consequences can be serious. If a compound is mixed wrong, a prescription is illegible, or directions are misinterpreted, mistakes can be made. And when it comes to health, mistakes can be serious or even deadly in terms of reactions or unintended side effects. A Backwater Activity Works Against Safety The big problem that leads... View Article
An academic transcript tells schools and businesses who you are and what you have to offer. It allows them to look at your academic history to see what classes you have taken and all that you have accomplished. When you begin to study or work abroad, you’ll need to make sure your transcript is translated. A lot can get lost in translation. Course names may be different in one country versus another. Extracurricular activities may differ. You don’t want to give a false impression of what you have accomplished as it can under (or over) represent what you have done.... View Article
If you have documents that you need to be translated for legal purposes, then you understand that the stakes are high. Therefore, you have to make sure that everyone understands exactly what is being said. Whether you are a client or a lawyer, you know that it is impossible to make a decision that is in the best interests of yourself or your client unless you understand exactly what is being discussed. The legal field is filled with jargon, and it is difficult for someone without industry experience to understand what is happening. If the documents are in another language,... View Article
Healthcare is an essential service, and even though it is important to find a doctor who has the training and experience to take care of you, it is also important to focus on communication. No matter how good a doctor is, he or she is not going to be able to help you if he or she does not understand what you are trying to say. So much of what a doctor does is based on the medical history. It is impossible to get a good medical history without understanding what the patient is saying. Therefore, when there is a... View Article
During the past few years, the language industry has grown by leaps and bounds. The reality is that we live in a world that is more connected than it has ever been in the past. As a result, more people are also exposed to foreign languages than they were before. Because the economy is now global, just about every industry can benefit from certified translation services. On the other hand, there are some industries that require translation services more than others. What are a few of the top examples of industries that can benefit from document translation services? 1. The... View Article